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40+ Short And Easy Bible Verses In Spanish

Hello Everyone, Welcome To God And Positivity. In This Article we Have Shared a Collection Of Short And Easy Bible Verses Translated Into Spanish. Whether You Are a Spanish Speaker Or Someone Looking To Learn The Language, These Verses Provide a Beautiful And Straightforward Way To Engage With The Teachings And Wisdom Found Within The Bible.

Easy Bible Verses In Spanish

Easy Bible Verses In EnglishEasy Bible Verses In Spanish
Love One Another – John 13:34Amaos Unos a Otros – Juan 13:34
Trust In The Lord – Psalm 37:3Confía En El Señor – Salmo 37:3
The Lord Is My Strength – Exodus 15:2El Señor Es Mi Fortaleza – Éxodo 15:2
Seek First The Kingdom Of God – Matthew 6:33Busca Primero El Reino De Dios – Mateo 6:33
Be Still And Know That I Am God – Psalm 46:10Estad Quietos Y Sabed Que Yo Soy Dios – Salmo 46:10
Give Thanks To The Lord – Psalm 107:1Demos Gracias Al Señor – Salmo 107:1
I Am With You Always – Matthew 28:20Yo Estaré Con Ustedes Siempre – Mateo 28:20
The Lord Is My Light – Psalm 27:1El Señor Es Mi Luz – Salmo 27:1
Do Not Worry – Matthew 6:34No Se Preocupe – Mateo 6:34
Be Kind To One Another – Ephesians 4:32Sean Amables Unos Con Otros – Efesios 4:32
This Is The Day That The Lord Has Made – Psalm 118:24Este Es El Día Que Hizo El Señor – Salmo 118:24
Let Your Light Shine – Matthew 5:16Deja Que Tu Luz Brille – Mateo 5:16
He Heals The Brokenhearted – Psalm 147:3Él Sana a Los Quebrantados De Corazón – Salmo 147:3
Pray Without Ceasing – 1 Thessalonians 5:17Orad Sin Cesar – 1 Tesalonicenses 5:17
The Lord Is Gracious And Merciful – Psalm 145:8Clemente Y Misericordioso Es El Señor – Salmo 145:8

Short Spanish Bible Verses

Short Bible Verses In EnglishShort Bible Verses In Spanish
Forgive One Another – Colossians 3:13Perdonarse Unos a Otros – Colosenses 3:13
I Can Do All Things Through Christ – Philippians 4:13Todo Lo Puedo En Cristo – Filipenses 4:13
Blessed Are The Pure In Heart.” – Matthew 5:8Bienaventurados Los Puros De Corazón.” – Mateo 5:8
Do Not Be Afraid – Isaiah 41:10No Tengas Miedo – Isaías 41:10
The Lord Is My Rock – Psalm 18:2El Señor Es Mi Roca – Salmo 18:2
The Truth Will Set You Free – John 8:32La Verdad Os Hará Libres – Juan 8:32
The Lord Is Good To All – Psalm 145:9El Señor Es Bueno Con Todos – Salmo 145:9
Rejoice In The Lord Always – Philippians 4:4Regocijaos En El Señor Siempre – Filipenses 4:4
Be Strong And Courageous – Joshua 1:9Sé Fuerte Y Valiente – Josué 1:9
Cast Your Burden On The Lord – Psalm 55:22Echa Tu Carga Sobre El Señor – Salmo 55:22
Love Your Neighbor As Yourself – Mark 12:31Ama a Tu Prójimo Como a Ti Mismo – Marcos 12:31
I Am The Resurrection And The Life – John 11:25Yo Soy La Resurrección Y La Vida – Juan 11:25
The Lord Is My Helper – Hebrews 13:6El Señor Es Mi Ayudador – Hebreos 13:6
With God, All Things Are Possible – Matthew 19:26Con Dios, Todo Es Posible – Mateo 19:26
Do Not Be Anxious About Anything – Philippians 4:6No Se Inquieten Por Nada – Filipenses 4:6

Read Related Articles: 50+ Bible Verses In Spanish For Daily Inspiration.

Inspirational Bible Verses In Spanish

Inspirational Bible Verses In EnglishInspirational Bible Verses In Spanish
Your Word Is a Lamp To My Feet – Psalm 119:105Lámpara Es a Mis Pies Tu Palabra – Salmo 119:105
Taste And See That The Lord Is Good – Psalm 34:8Gustad Y Ved Que El Señor Es Bueno – Salmo 34:8
Be Still Before The Lord – Psalm 37:7Estad Quietos Delante Del Señor – Salmo 37:7
The Lord Is Near To All Who Call On Him – Psalm 145:18El Señor Está Cerca De Todos Los Que Lo Invocan – Salmo 145:18
The Peace Of God, Which Surpasses All Understanding – Philippians 4:7La Paz De Dios, Que Sobrepasa Todo Entendimiento – Filipenses 4:7
The Lord Is My Salvation – Psalm 27:1El Señor Es Mi Salvación – Salmo 27:1
I Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You –Hebrews 13:5Nunca Te Dejaré Ni Te Desampararé – Hebreos 13:5
Commit Your Work To The Lord – Proverbs 16:3Encomienda Tu Trabajo Al Señor – Proverbios 16:3
As For Me And My House, We Will Serve The Lord – Joshua 24:15En Cuanto a Mí Y Mi Casa, Serviremos Al Señor – Josué 24:15

Bible Quotes In Spanish

Bible Quotes In EnglishBible Quotes In Spanish
Be Kind And Compassionate To One Another – Ephesians 4:32Se Amable Y Compasiva El Uno Con El Otro – Efesios 4:32
Rejoice In Hope – Romans 12:12Regocijaos En La Esperanza – Romanos 12:12
The Lord Is My Portion – Lamentations 3:24El Señor Es Mi Porción – Lamentaciones 3:24
Walk By Faith, Not By Sight – 2 Corinthians 5:7Camina Por Fe, No Por Vista – 2 Corintios 5:7
The Lord Is My Strength And My Shield – Psalm 28:7El Señor Es Mi Fortaleza Y Mi Escudo – Salmo 28:7
Let Everything That Has Breath Praise The Lord – Psalm 150:6Que Todo Lo Que Respira Alabe Al Señor – Salmo 150:6
He Will Cover You With His Feathers, And Under His Wings You Will Find Refuge – Psalm 91:4Con Sus Plumas Te Cubrirá, Y Debajo De Sus Alas Encontrarás Refugio – Salmo 91:4
The Lord Is Near To The Brokenhearted – Psalm 34:18El Señor Está Cerca De Los Quebrantados De Corazón – Salmo 34:18
Be Strong In The Lord And In His Mighty Power – Ephesians 6:10Fortalécete En El Señor Y En Su Gran Poder – Efesios 6:10
The Righteous Cry Out, And The Lord Hears Them – Psalm 34:17Los Justos Claman, Y El Señor Los Escucha – Salmo 34:17
Be Anxious For Nothing, But In Everything By Prayer And Supplication With Thanksgiving, Let Your Requests Be Made Known To God – Philippians 4:6Por Nada Estéis Afanosos, Sino Sean Conocidas Vuestras Peticiones Delante De Dios En Toda Oración Y Ruego, Con Acción De Gracias – Filipenses 4:6

Thank You For Reading This Article. We Hope That These Verses Have Enriched Your Spiritual Journey And Provided You With Comfort, Inspiration, And Guidance In The Spanish Language. May These Verses Continue To Uplift Your Spirit And Deepen Your Connection With Faith As You Navigate Life’s Journey.

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